Throughout my life, I have made many choices. A lot of them have been of great benefit to me. And many have not been. But the one thing all my experiences have in common is, I never gave up. I kept going. Yes, there were times when I wanted to give up. And sometimes I thought I did give up. But I really didn’t. It was more of a break.

I’m not going to write this with the intention of making you believe that I did it on my own. No way! I’m not that good. I had help along the way (and still do). It’s hard to do this life alone, because, sooner or later, we will come to the end of ourselves. And then what? It’s always good to have help when you are in need. Especially from someone you can trust.

I didn’t want to be that guy who looked to just anyone to try and “save me”. That’s not who I am. And there was/is no way I could ever save myself from some of the poor choices I was making. Again, I’m not that good (or that resilient). I had to look for someone who had been there, done that. At the very least, to point me in the right direction. But I had to make the decision to listen. And sometimes my listening ears aren’t all that good.

I’m also not going to write this and have you believe that I have it all figured out. Not even close. I still do dumb things (that I sometimes don’t regret). It’s about progress not perfection. And if that means going through stuff, and learning from those experiences, so be it.

The greatest gift we’ve been given are the experiences we have and the decisions we make based on each experience. We should reflect on the good choices we make. Those are what push us toward a much happier, healthy and productive life. The mistakes we make are important as well. Not dwelling on them as much as learning from them. Learning from our mistakes should always be the goal.

I wish I could say I was further along than I am. But I am better than I was. How much better? I have no idea. I just know, where I was, sucked. And today, I don’t suck as much as it used to (I guess that’s the measuring tool I use).

And now, I want to be here for you. To try and make some sort of sense of what’s going on in your world. I probably won’t be able to fix it. But I can, hopefully, guide you in the right direction. And just maybe, it will help you grow in the process.

God willing, I have a lot of time left on this earth to help others. And that would be ok with me.