How can I improve my work-life balance?


I found the best way to improve work/life balance is to have fun! What I mean by that is, have some hobbies. I have many hobbies that I enjoy outside of work. And part of having many hobbies is the ability to look forward to each of them. If you are just coming home and crawling into bed because you are exhausted from all the pressures of work, you’re not doing you (or your health) any good. You must have a “healthy” outlet (outside of work) to look forward to. And enjoy! I can’t stress enough the need for activities outside of the daily routine. Whether that is volunteering at church or social club. Or joining a sport like bowling or pickleball. What matters most is that you are completely disengaged from work. And doing what you look forward to (after work). I focus on work (when I’m working). Once I disengage, I am then focusing on the fun I’m going to have doing what I love. Don’t make excuses. Figure it out. Plan. And execute that plan. You’ll be glad you did.
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