How can I cope with betrayal in a relationship?


The greatest lesson you can learn from any type betrayal is, forgiveness is the start of the healing process. When you forgive, it starts to change who you are (for the better). The fact is, depending on the type of betrayal, getting over it can be very difficult. The more energy you put into your healing will make all the difference in the world. It’s a process. One thing I like to do is, I don’t necessarily focus on the betrayal. I dwell on what lessons I’m learning. Every situation we face is a chance to learn something about yourself. Good or bad. Whether or not we learn from those experiences is entirely up to us. Take time to look at the situation. And ask yourself, “What could I have done differently?” And if you say, “I can’t think of anything”. You’re lying to yourself. We all have baggage. We all make mistakes. The goal should always be to learn from the mistakes we make. So, the next time, the outcome we are hoping for will be a much better one.
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