What techniques can help me handle stress more effectively?


Personally, I found that the stress I feel is part and parcel of the stress I create. Getting yourself “worked up” (dwelling on the problem) is the easiest way to lose sight of looking for a solution. When we focus on the wrong things, it’s much harder to focus on the right ones. I don’t think anyone can eliminate stress completely. I think it’s a human response to stress over stuff. The key is handling it in such a way that it doesn't disable your ability to think clearly. We all (eventually) come to the end of ourselves. Then what? That’s when we should seek others to help find us find a solution. Some of the best advice I ever received was from those who had more experience than I. In the end, I realized that I needed someone else to assist me. And that’s not a bad situation to be in (especially if you learn something in the process). Also, try not to overthink. I know many people (including myself from time to time) who live in a world of “paralysis by overanalyzes”. They overthink themselves into a frenzy. Losing site on a possible solution. Don’t do it! It’s a bondage you don’t want to find yourself in.

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